

Kubernetes is an orchestration layer to manage containerized applications. In a traditional system, you either run on bare metal or with containers on a host. With Kubernetes, containerized applications and services can be spread across many hosts. This means if one host goes down, the work and containers can be redistributed to other nodes.


diagram image

Each node can contain random services, or it can contain specific ones. In the example above, a node contains one of every service required to run an application. This means that if a node goes down, the work can be redistributed to other nodes, without any downtime, while Kubernetes also works on bringing that node back to life.


Borrowed from Karan Thukral

  • Cluster – The set of machines you are running the application on
  • Node – A single machine
  • Pods – A group of containers that work together to achieve a certain task.
  • Service – A way to externally expose (externally and internally) a set of pods that work together
  • Labels – An arbitrary tag that can be places on kubernetes resources and can be used to filter on
  • Selectors – Way for the user to identify a set of objects based on labels assigned to them
  • Controller – A reconciliation loop that drives current state towards desired state